Compass Referral


We may share details of this referral with Environment Control services, Wheelchair services and with local health and social care professionals where it helps to ensure a fully integrated service is provided in response to the referral. If you do not want us to do this, please let us know by emailing Compass




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You can search by the surname of the GP, the name of the Practice and the address of the Practice


Other Details

Referral Detail - Part 1

Please complete the detail in the below text box by expanding on the headings that are already entered for you. Use the expandable boxes below to help you, you can copy and paste the headings into the text box if it helps to structure your comments

Current Communication

Strengths and Weaknesses

Please describe the patients strengths and weaknesses in terms of communication, for example in relation too:
  • Speech
  • Voice
  • Language - Expressive
  • Language - Receptive
  • Writing
  • Reading

Current Methods

Please describe in what ways the patient currently communicates. If the patient uses a method please describe any relevant limitations and issues encountered. Examples types of communication are given below:
  • Verbal
  • Written
  • Partner Assisted Scanning
  • Low tech AAC (e.g. paper chart or E-Tran Frame)
  • Gesture / Signing / Facial Expression
  • High tech AAC Device


Please describe how reliably the patient can communicate and any verbal or physhical assistance they require in doing so.

Communication Needs

Reason for Referral

Please detail a referral is being made to the Compass team at RHN

Key Communication Partners

Please detail who the patient needs to communicate with

Patient / Relative / Carer Goals

Please detail any goals for using a communication aid. Specifically, how would high-tech AAC be of benefit beyond a low-tech AAC solution?

Patient Interests and Preferences

What interests or hobbies are motivating for this Patient? Are there any known dislikes or triggers that we should be aware of?

Equipment already assessed

Please detail any Communication Equipment or techniques already assessed and what the outcomes were

Referral Detail - Part 2

Please complete the detail in the below text box by expanding on the headings that are already entered for you. Use the expandable boxes below to help you, you can copy and paste the headings into the text box if it helps to structure your comments

Motor / Sensory / Cognitive Detail

Please detail weakness with reference to the below categories. Please specify if LEFT or RIGHT or BOTH where relevent:
  • Upper Limbs - Decreased range, Decreased strength, Contractures, Dyspraxia, Ataxia, Increased tone, Poor Coordination
  • Head/Neck Control - Rotation, Flexion, Extension
  • Eye Movement - Vertical Movement, Horizontal Movement, Nystagmus, Strabismus
  • Sensory / Perceptual - Registered Blind, Visual Impairment, Unilateral Neglect, Hearing Impairment
  • Cognitive - Memory Impairment, Reduced learning ability, Reduced attention span, Reduced reasoning/problem solving
  • Mobility - Ambulant, Manual Wheelchair, Powered Wheelchair, Adaptions eg Headrest/tray
  • Behaviour - Challenging Behaviour, Risk of developing challenging behaviour due to not being able to communicate
  • Potential ways to control AAC - Keyboard, touchscreen, switches, joysticks / trackball, Headmouse / pointer, Eyegaze, Other

Mobility Detail

Please detail the mobility needs of your client.
  • Ambulant - Assistance or aids
  • Manual Wheelchair - Model
  • Powered Wheelchair - Model
  • Powered Wheelchair - Controller
  • Adaptations - Uses Headrest or Wheelchair tray

Practical / Other Detail

Practical Issues Regarding Assessment

Please comment on any difficulty regarding the below:
  • Travel to assessment
  • Parking Availability at property
  • Internet Access
  • Access to Skype or other facetime for assessment

Other Comments

Please make any other comments you wish to in this section