Please answer the following questions before completing your referral.
Does the person understand cause and effect and have communicative intent?
In the referral please provide details of how you assessed for this.
The person currently does not meet the eligibility criteria for complex AAC assessment. Please call or email the Compass team if you would like to discuss further.
Does the person understand the purpose of a communication aid?
In the referral please provide details of how you assessed for this.
The person currently does not meet the eligibility criteria for complex AAC assessment. Please call or email the Compass team if you would like to discuss further.
Is there a clear discrepancy between the person’s level of understanding and their ability to speak? (People with rapidly degenerative conditions can be referred if they are deteriorating at a rate that within 18 weeks from referral they are likely to meet the criteria. In this case please select ‘YES’ below).
In the referral please provide details of how you assessed for this.
The person currently does not meet the eligibility criteria for complex AAC assessment. Please call or email the Compass team if you would like to discuss further.
Have ‘low-tech’ strategies and techniques been tried or considered and are there identified reasons why such methods are insufficient to meet the person’s communication needs?
In the referral please provide details of how you assessed for this.
The local team should explore use of low tech strategies and techniques. Should reasons be identified as to why such methods are insufficient to meet the person's communication needs, consider re-referral..
Is the person likely to use complex multi-page vocabulary to combine multiple words, phrases or symbols to compile a sentence?
Please proceed to the next tab to complete the referral request and provide details of how you assessed for this.
Please answer the next question.
Is the person unlikely to be able to combine words, phrases or symbols to create more than one concept? Uses high tech aids or low tech systems to select one concept at a time? Have ‘low-tech’ strategies and techniques been tried or considered and are there identified reasons why such methods are insufficient to meet the person’s communication needs?
Please answer the next question.
Please answer the next question.
Is the person likely to be able to construct novel messages using the alphabet?
Please answer the next question.
You must indicate YES to one of the previous three questions. If no option is correct, please contact us at Compass and discuss this referral before submitting.
Can the person select items on a touch screen or keyboard with at least one hand with sufficient speed and endurance to meet their reasonable communication needs, bearing in mind their level of language competence?
Needs should be met by Local assessment. Local funding of any required equipment. The person does not meet the eligibility criteria for complex AAC assessment. People with rapidly degenerative conditions can be referred if they are deteriorating at a rate that within 18 weeks from referral they are likely to meet the criteria. In this case please select ‘NO’. Please call or email the Compass team if you would like to discuss further.
Please proceed to the next tab to complete the referral request and provide details of how you assessed for this.